A business in Wills & Trust is not for the faint hearted professional. It is a very legal based industry that required good understanding of the industry requirements.

Octowill and its associate companies have been in the business of Wills, Trust and Inheritance management for more than 10 years. Some of our associates are licenced Trustees who handle large amount of estate management for individual and corporate clients.

No matter the size of your estate, Our CEO and top management have been involved in Wills, Trust, Inheritance and deceased persons asset management for more than 10 years and has a combined experience of more than 25 years. The group has expertise in areas of legal, compliance, trustee services, escrow, guardianship, execution of wills, taxation and inheritance matters involving conventional, digital or crypto assets.

Unlike others, Octowill deploys technology to manage your inheritance. This ensures safety, security and puts you in control. You can change your Will when you desire, Octowill bring convenience in managing your legacy to your fingertips.