You can e-Nominate beneficiaries to all kinds of assets, such as:
- All type of e-wallets - so your nominee can claim them later.
- Bank accounts - so your beneficiary don't need a Probate letter to claim.
- Insurance policies - so that others in your family will not stake a claim.
- Crypto currency accounts - so that your loved ones can claim it.
- Cash deposits located with any institutions or accounts.
- Money sitting in any trading accounts or MLM accounts.
- Actually you can e-Nominate a beneficiary for any of your assets. This e-Nomination is absolutely necessary especially if you don't have a Will.
you can e-Nominate a beneficiary to any account e-Money Investments Insurance
CurrencyCash Deposits Bank
AccountsForex &
Share Tradingse-Wallets MLM or Trading Accounts
- Octowill will include many more types of assets such as contents of your phone, your emails, passwords etc. that you can e-Nominate in future.