What is octowill +Plus will?
The +Plus Will is also called the intermediary Will. It is considered suitable when:
- Someone has around 1- 2 million in total asset value.
- You wish to appoint your own executor as administrator.
- You have many beneficiaries, next of kin & family.
- Have Minor Children (under the age of 18).
- Wish to Appoint a Guardian(s) for your children.
- Want to Allocate Living Expense for the Children & Allowance to Guardians.
- You do not wish to name beneficiary according to each asset.
What information do I need for +Plus will?
1. your personal details
2. your beneficiary details
3. details of your executor
4. details of your witness (minimum 2 witness)
5. percentage of allocation to each beneficiary
Refer to octowill website (octowill.com) for pricing