When drafting a will, there are 2 important people that you must include in a Will. They are the Executor and Trustee. A trustee can play the role of overseeing the distribution of the asset by the executor, this is one way to ensure dependants are cared for after your death. Put simply, a trustee is someone who manages your money or assets set aside for your beneficiary.
The three primary functions of a trustee are: To make, or prudently delegate, investment decisions regarding the trust assets; To make discretionary distributions of trust assets to or for the benefit of the beneficiaries; and. To fulfill the basic administrative functions of administering the trust.
If you have a minor as a beneficiary, appointing a trustee will ensure the assets are protected until the child reaches the age of majority. A trustee can also ovesee distribution of allowance to guardians. In other words, they can be a caretaker of your assets and distribution on your families behalf when you are not here anymore.